
Connect with nature

Behaviour change programmes in Scottish schools have a measurable impact on rates of active travel



Media type:

Connect with nature

Families / residential, Town centres / Urban

Research from Sustrans shows that in primary schools running programmes to encourage active ways of getting to school, it's working.
New analysis has shown that these interventions have a measurable impact on the rate of active travel in Scottish primary schools, and that if two or more are happening, the effect is even stronger.

Key statistics

18,000 pupils
the extra number of pupils that could be travelling to school actively if they are involved in 2 behaviour change interventions at school
17.5 million car kms
the number of extra car kms that would be travelled in a single school year without behaviour change interventions at school
The results from 2016-2021 of the Hands Up Scotland Survey of travel to school was used, and schools benefitting from behaviour change interventions was examined, and 3 hypothetical scenarios modelled. Projections showed that an extra 18,000 pupils could travel to school actively if they are involved in 2 interventions at school, and that without these there could be a rise of up to 17.5 million car kms travelled in a single school year.

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