
Behaviour change

Enjoying the Outdoors - Monitoring the impact of Coronavirus and social distancing - Wave 3 survey results



Media type:

Behaviour change

Community, Families / residential, Individuals, Town centres / Urban, Leisure & recreation / tourism, Countryside / Rural

NatureScot Research Report 1289 - Enjoying the Outdoors - Monitoring the impact of Coronavirus and social distancing - Wave 3 survey results (September 2021)
This research was commissioned to provide an understanding of outdoor visit behaviour and engagement with nature in Scotland during the Coronavirus crisis. Three waves of online surveying have been undertaken. The first involved 1,008 online interviews with a representative sample of adults in Scotland undertaken during the first week of June 2020, with respondents asked to focus on the initial period of lockdown from 23rd March to 28 May 2020.

Key statistics

reported taking more visits to the outdoors than pre-pandemic
of those people in employment who expect to work from home more often in future than they did before the pandemic also expected to increase their time spent outdoors
of people who work full or part time stated that they expected to work from home more often in the future than they did before the pandemic
The second wave of research followed a comparable approach with 1,003 on-line interviews undertaken with a representative sample of the adult population plus 100 additional interviews with members of the minority ethnic (ME) population. Fieldwork for this second wave of research ran from 5 to 12 September 2020, with respondents asked to focus on outdoor visits and engagement with nature during the preceding 4 weeks.

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