
Equalities, Diversity & Inclusion

Ramblers Scotland research reveals shocking inequality in the outdoors


Ramblers Scotland

Media type:

Equalities, Diversity & Inclusion

Community, Families / residential, Individuals, Town centres / Urban, Leisure & recreation / tourism, Countryside / Rural

Research has revealed the extent of the inequality in the number of "core paths" communities can access and enjoy.
Scots living in more deprived areas have far fewer core paths local to them than those in the least deprived areas. Investmest in access is urgently needed.

Key statistics

4579 miles
of local path can be accessed by the most deprived half of society, compared to the 10,351 miles that the least deprived half can access
People in the most deprived half of society have less than half the total miles of local paths compared to those in the least deprived half, 4,579 versus 10,351 respectively. People in the healthiest 10% of areas have nine times more local paths than the least healthy areas.

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